About Us - Electric Personal Vehicles
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About Us

Katrina originally from Sydney and Neil originally from Adelaide have been in business for over 30 years. We are based on the Gold Coast but do travel! We pride ourselves on understanding our customers’ needs and delivering excellent service. Katrina and Neil extremely excited and passionate about being Omeo Agents in Australia. The ‘Omeo’ and it’s self-balancing qualities is innovative, a unique concept and a practical electric transport solution, ideal for travel in and out of cities on many different terrains.


We look forward to demonstrating the Omeo to people with mobility challenges. As these likeminded people are well aware, having safe and reliable wheels can significantly enhance the quality of life, with a greater sense of connection, independence, freedom and most importantly, endless opportunities.


Omeo is changing lives and leveling the playing field in so many ways. Its hands-free operation and range of all-terrain tyres give users the freedom to play sport, move around the workspace and navigate just about any environment from city sidewalks and trains to farm tracks and the beach. Innovative self-levelling legs provide a stable platform to transfer on and off, and its 45km battery range and powerful headlights allow users to get from A-B at any time of the day or night.


Early user Sarah LaBrooy was involved in the process of developing the new brand name.

“I thought about what the Ogo meant for me. I am at one with it – immediately came to mind. Put ‘O’ as the wheels on either side ‘me’ and you have o-me-o. If my experience is anything to go by I believe Omeo will, in time, invoke an image of freedom, joy and smart technology. I love that Omeo rolls off the tongue and literally has ‘me’ in between its wheels.” Says Sarah.